
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Life is so unpredictable.....

A month full of drama. It's been barely 3 weeks to be exact since I got the terrifying news of my best friend's accident and death, the ball kept on rolling without me realizing it. I felt that things are going to settle down slowly and all I had to do was to protect those around me and my late friend's gf until last Friday I get a text asking me to come to the PPUM or better known as the University Hospital immidiately as she was admitted.

Already in a paranoid with even the smallest tiniest things, it really scared me and I panicked! Not knowing what to do, I just told another friend about it and rushed of to the hospital. At first, everything seemed as if it was just a normal happening as everyone seemed kinda relaxed and still smiling. Until the 1st reports came in, I shall say that. The bleeding in the brain was too much and operation can only be done if the bleeding was to stop.

After waiting for awhile, I got the chance to take a look at her. I still remember the sight in my head. The cold shrill up to my spines, heartbeat speeding up, cold sweat and I was literally shaking from my knees. Standing there trying to look strong in front of her sister, I felt as if I was going to pass out anytime soon. It was really saddening.

However, after a brief battle of almost 4 days in the ICU, she passed away last monday. I was there when they took her off the life support unit. Speechless and numbed disgusted feeling from deep inside looking at those teary eyes staring at me with a questioning look. I would have done something if I could! I really would have but all I could do at that time was just to stare as the procedings took part.

Weirdly enough my best friend's funeral was the ever 1st funeral I've been to and though I didn't get to see his face for the last time, I still did feel the so aweful. While on Monday, 1st time I ever see someone's pulse and heartbeat go down after being plugged off the life support unit. Both situation being so new and being in such a situation where I was lost for words and action really killed me.

Even now that I am writing this post, I still am shaking and with cold sweat running down my back. My experience knowing these 2 beautiful souls has been nothing but inspiring. Learned a lot of things from them but ultimately they thought me the beauty of love.

It's not about how long you love a person but how much you love a person that counts the most in the end.

Something I learned knowing them. Their relationship may have been very brief as they barely knew each other for 3 months and been together for mere 2 months but their love and bond was so strong that they proved that even by death they will never part. This kinda made me think about the quote of "match made in heaven" and also that "eternal love never die". They didn't get to engage nor marry when they were alive but am sure they have met each other again in heaven to be together forever. Which also means that their love is eternal and would never die.

Both their lost has touched me deeply and I feel their lost, especially during late nights when either 1 would message me or so. Every now and then I do feel like wanting to contact either 1 of them just to realize that they are no more around and its a sickening feeling. I know that seeing me hurting or struggling isn't what they'd want from me.

So I am gathering up the pieces one by one and live a life that they'd be proud off. Lastly below is the only pictures I have of these 2 lovely souls. May both of you R.I.P. friends.

Miss you both very much.
Nurul Akma (1987 - 2011)
Ahmad Ariffin (1988 - 2011)


Kelvin said...

I totally understand ur feelings...i still can't accept my good friend past away coz of cancer...its like not long ago we were chatting and laughing away and den she is gone.

T.Y said...

Well lost is a lost no matter how or what happened... My best friend died due to accident while the gf didnt make it through operation due to internal bleeding in the brain...

Never expected anything n this happened...

Am sorry for ur lost... May ur friend R.I.P.