
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 14 : Your Earliest Memory

Okay, now I shall continue on with this 30 days challenge which I didn't even manage to go through even till the half way line. A lot of things happened so fast recently that I can't quite put them in words for you guys. I really wish I could cause I learned a lot of things in this packed couple of months.

Anyways, getting back to the topic. My earliest memories..... Hmmm.... This is really tough as my childhood memories are really jumbled up as I moved quite a lot here and there but don't quite know which comes first and so on.

However, 1 memory that would always be in my head is when I was about 4-5 years old or maybe even 3 plus I don't remember. Well I used to have this pedal car (remember it was a blue BMW) which I used to ride everyday from 5.00-6.30pm without fail. And I used to do all sorts of stun car driving that some people actually thought that I had some good driving skills since back then!

Though I don't quite remember what happened to it and until when I was riding it, I still remember the feel of driving it. I remember the pain I get from stepping on those metal pedals just for the sake of my own thrill of driving fast.

I remember it kinda looked like this picture above though it was blue and it was BMW! LOL. Other than this memory I remember I used to have a mini BMX bike too! That was when I was around 5-6 years old.

Another toy brings another memory. Used to cycle around as fast as I could go overtaking my sisters and cousins who used to play together. When they were not around I would cycle around my housing grounds as my house during those times were often corner lot houses hence we had quite some space. During those times I would practice those X-games styled moves some with precised success rate while some other not even close. 

But once I kinda tried to jump over a small drain in my house ground which normally I would have passed with my hands of the bar, I crashed straight into that drain while the bicycle handle just stabbed into my stomach and I hung there too scared to ask for help from my mom and also due to shock. After getting off the bike, parked it and sat in the house very quietly. 

My ever observant mom knew something was not up as I never come back in as early as 5.30pm when I just went out at 5pm to play. So she asked me and somehow found out that I was hurt. I will never forget the beating I got for being an idiot. :'(

Well I suppose this are a few memories I have of my younger days. I shall return with the 15th day post soon!!

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